A planning application for the development of over 400 houses in Ringwood has been axed after locals voted in favour of a neighbourhood plan.

The planning application, for Moortown Lane, was due to be considered by New Forest District Council’s planning committee on July 10, but was removed from the agenda because of two events: The General Election and Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan vote.

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A member of the neighbourhood plan team Chris Treleaven said: “I am passionate about the need for more smaller and affordable homes and am delighted to see the policies that we put forward being taken seriously in regard to the strategic sites in the parish.”

The first event was the election of the Labour government on July 4, 2024, with speeches indicating an intended "direction of travel" on national planning policies relating to housing delivery.

Plans for the development of over 400 houses has been axedPlans for the development of over 400 houses has been axed (Image: Joe Giddens / PA Wire)

The second was the adoption of the Ringwood neighbourhood plan at the meeting of the council on July 8, 2024, making the neighbourhood plan part of the development plan in determining the outcome of planning applications.

Chair of the town council’s planning, town and environment committee cllr Philip Day said: “As a Town Council, we accept the principle of building new houses on this site but were concerned that the proposals ran counter to a number of the principles that Ringwood residents overwhelmingly approved when they voted in favour of the neighbourhood plan. 

"We trust that the developers will now reconsider their proposals and return with an amended scheme that provides a greater number of affordable homes for local residents, including in particular first-time buyers, a better overall layout, more green space and better quality and “greener” dwellings. We have other concerns about access to the site which we hope will also now be addressed.”

Town mayor Rae Frederick added: “It's great to see the Ringwood neighbourhood plan already making an impact on planning applications so shortly after its adoption. The policies within the plan aim to preserve the town’s character, prioritise smaller, affordable homes and promote energy efficiency.  Let's hope this leads to positive changes for Ringwood.”