South Wilts Mencap's Music Group presents a robust rendition of the Wizard of Oz every Tuesday at Guildhall.

The group, lead by music teacher Rachel Delooze and volunteer Mark Burfitt, offers learning disabled members the chance to perform to a weekly audience of approximately 50 people.

Incorporating the language of Makaton into their performances, the group's recent Wizard of Oz production garnered a standing ovation.

The group offers learning disabled members the chance to performThe group offers learning disabled members the chance to perform (Image: Supplied)

Ms Delooze said: "South Wiltshire Mencap Music Group put on a performance of The Wizard of Oz, having been rehearsing since February. This is our third show since I started running the sessions and I wanted this to be our biggest yet!

"I created a script and incorporated songs with Makaton and dances from The Wizard of Oz, The Wiz and Wicked. The music group worked so hard to learn the show and the characters that the cast created were wonderful!

"I’m so proud of what they’ve achieved and it was great that we had such a large, supportive audience to cheer them on. They really deserved it."

A member of the audience added: "What a fantastic performance from the cast of the South Wiltshire Mencap Music Group. Everyone on stage did a fantastic job of performing."