A housing association is helping its tenants who are struggling with the cost of living through a support fund.

White Horse Housing Association is continuing to provide support through its Discretionary Support Fund, which assisted more than 170 households last year.

The association, currently celebrating its 40th anniversary, operates more than 400 homes across rural areas in Swindon, Wiltshire, and Somerset.

Last year, it awarded more than £20,000 in payments and vouchers and has allotted another £23,000 for tenant support until September.

The fund was established to support tenants falling into rent arrears who are unable to afford heating or food for their families.

Originally, the amount allocated for the fund was £6,000 from the housing association's reserves.

However, with the rising cost of living, it became clear that would not be enough to meet the demand.

Wiltshire Council invited housing associations operating within the county to apply for an allocation of the Household Support Fund from the government.

The association was granted an initial award of £12,000 in October, followed by a further £5,000 towards the end of the year. It has been granted another £17,000 for 2024.

The council's support, coupled with the housing association's own money, led to 264 payments to 88 vulnerable households.

The association’s housing officers also successfully applied for £4,000 from the HACT Fuel Fund to provide vulnerable tenants with electricity vouchers.

Most of the last year's support was delivered through food vouchers, but it also encompassed assistance with utility costs, rent arrears, council tax, and damage caused by domestic violence.

Operations director, Belinda Eastland, said: "We were able to support vulnerable households through the worst part of the winter and the Christmas period.

“We had an overwhelmingly positive response from our tenants and we believe that was reflected in the satisfaction rates we received in our tenant survey at the end of last year.”

The survey found 96 per cent of its tenants are satisfied with its service, more than three-quarters believe the association makes a positive contribution to their neighbourhood and 85 per cent say it listens to their views and acts upon them.

After receiving a Discretionary Support Fund grant, one tenant wrote to staff, saying: “Thank you for thinking of us, so kind. It brought a tear to my eye.”

White Horse Housing Association tenants who are struggling financially can email the housing association at info@whitehorsehousing.co.uk for a confidential assessment.