Life-saving equipment has been installed at a social club thanks to the work of a football coach. 

A defibrillator was installed by FA football coach, Joanna McDonald, on the side of Harlequins Social Club in Bemerton Heath on Friday, May 24.

Ms McDonald, 44, has spent most of her life in Bemerton Heath and has been hugely involved in the football club there. 

The defibrillator is on the wall by the social club car park and is accessible to the club and to all members of the public. It is viewable on the National Defibrillator Database.

The defibrillator was able to be purchased through the FA Defibrillator Fund because the club is at level 4 of the football league table. Ms McDonald played an essential role as the only person at the club with the relevant training, an FA 7 cardiac arrest qualification, to apply for it.

Ms McDonald said that it is “important and necessary to have something like this in the community”.

She hopes that this will drive community clubs to get someone qualified for cardiac arrest treatment in case of an emergency and that smaller clubs, parish councils, and village halls are encouraged to install a defibrillator, which could save someone’s life.