A cat "bringing together young, old and everyone in between" in Alderbury has been made a finalist in Cats Protection's National Cat Awards 2024.

Dexter, 11, beat hundreds of other entries to take his place alongside two other contenders in the connected cats category, celebrating cats who are at the centre of their communities.

He has been selected as a finalist in recognition of the love he inspires in Alderbury’s 2200 villagers who, last year, rallied round to help when he was attacked by another cat.

Kerry Carpenter, 46, a housekeeper who lives in Alderbury said: “Dexter is such a lovely, funny boy, strutting around the village shop, bushy tail in the air, waiting for someone to fuss him. He’s been turning up for work when the shops opens for as long as anyone can remember – he’s always on time.

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"We think he had a home originally but when Debbie from the shop realised he was sleeping outside at night she built a wooden house for him – with a name plaque – and fed and watered him. Dexter was attacked by another cat last winter, the deep wounds around his neck becoming infected, so the village raised £800 for vets’ bills.

"Then Dawn and Andy, who live near the shop, offered to take him in so he had a warm house in which to recuperate. Now he has the best of both worlds – a home and his job in the shop. The only drawback of being the village cat is that everybody knows he’s on a diet. Sorry Dexter – no treats until you’ve lost a pound and a half!”

Dexter has been made a finalist in Cats Protection's Cat AwardsDexter has been made a finalist in Cats Protection's Cat Awards (Image: Cats Protection)

Category winners and the overall National Cat of the Year – chosen by a panel of judges – will then be announced during a ceremony hosted by Dawn O’Porter at London’s One Marylebone on September 18.

Cats Protection’s marketing and income generation director Catherine Cottrell said: “Dexter sounds such a character, bringing together young, old and everyone in between. Well done Debbie for caring for your star employee at the shop and Dawn and Andy for giving him a cosy home. Good luck with the diet, Dexter!”

Winners will each win a prize package of a trophy, a £200 pet store voucher and a year’s subscription to Cats Protection’s The Cat magazine with the National Cat of the Year also receiving an overall winner trophy. 

Dexter will now go through to a public vote. Cat lovers can vote for their favourite finalist by visiting cats.org.uk/nca during the voting period from July 17 - August 30.