A DRUG driver has been banned from the roads for a year, nearly two years after he was caught.

Jordan Fitzpatrick, 26, of Hazel Close in Bemerton Heath, drove along Archers Way, Amesbury, on August 3, 2022, while he was over the legal limit.

Police officers stopped a Volvo XC70 and conducted a roadside drug wipe test on the driver, Fitzpatrick, before taking him into custody for a blood test.

Fitzpatrick was found to have 6.8 micrograms of cannabis in a litre of his blood. The legal limit for driving is 2mcg.

Separately, the defendant was released on unconditional bail on May 25, 2023, to surrender himself to Salisbury Magistrates' Court on August 17 but he did not appear.

Fitzpatrick then spent three days in custody.

(Image: Newsquest)

Salisbury Magistrates' Court disqualified Fitzpatrick from driving for a year when he was sentenced on Monday, July 15.

He was also fined £120 and ordered to pay court costs of £300 as well as a £48 surcharge to fund victim services.

The total of £468 will be deducted from his benefits.

No separate penalty was issued for the failing to surrender to court bail as Fitzpatrick had already spent time in custody.