Five students at Wiltshire College & University have been selected to exhibit their work at the Origins Creatives 2024 in London this July.

Two students from the Chippenham campus and three from Salisbury will showcase their diverse range of art.

Salisbury pupils Jamie Hanrahan and Sasha Hollis, both studying Art & Design Level 3 Year 1, along with Dom Kirby, a Level 3 Year 2 music student, were chosen amongst over 500 submissions.

Eddie Ledua and Arthur Blakey from the Chippenham campus have also been asked to exhibit.

The free exhibition, organised by University of the Arts London (UAL) Awarding Body, allows art lovers, critics and industry professionals to discover fresh talent.

It also celebrates the efforts of young creatives from across the UK and overseas.

Origins Creatives acts as a platform for budding artists to connect with potential collaborators, industry leaders, and a wider audience.

The free exhibition, organised by University of the Arts London (UAL) Awarding Body, allows art lovers, critics and industry professionals to discover fresh talentThe free exhibition, organised by University of the Arts London (UAL) Awarding Body, allows art lovers, critics and industry professionals to discover fresh talent (Image: Sasha Hollis)

The event will span several of UAL’s subject areas, encompassing Art and Design, Fashion Business and Retail, Creative Media, Music Performance and so forth.

This year, the event will be held at the Mall Galleries in central London. The exhibition will host an invite-only opening night on July 16, with public access from July 17 to 20. It will also incorporate an online showcase.

Visitors can expect to see a wide variety of painting, photography, drawing, sculpture, fashion and more, giving them a glimpse of the artistic talent thriving in local campuses.

Jamie's entry is an oil painting which reimagines ancient Greek mythology. She said: "Having my painting included in the exhibition is both astonishing and an honour. The course allowed me a lot of freedom to explore both different mediums and themes. As continuing painting and creating is important to me, I’ve accepted a place at Bath Spa University next year to study fine art."

Sasha’s project is a menswear look she made responding to the theme ‘Weather’. She said: "I was nervous about my work being sent off to this exhibition but really happy too that it was being considered. I had a really fun and interesting time making the piece for my final unit project and now to know that it is being shown in a gallery in London is just so surreal."