The highest five areas in Salisbury for fly tipping have been revealed following a successful FOI request.

Wiltshire Council have revealed that since 2020, the highest area in Salisbury for fly tipping, also knowing as illegal dumping, is Devizes Road with 55 incidents reported over the last four years.

This is followed by St Pauls’ Roundabout, with 24 reports, Phillips Lane (4), Pullman Drive (3) and Penning Road (1).

The highest five locations for fly tipping in SalisburyThe highest five locations for fly tipping in Salisbury (Image: Google Maps)

Cabinet member for highways and street scene cllr Nick Holder said: “We have a zero-tolerance approach to fly-tipping here in Wiltshire and have invested heavily in prevention, enforcement and awareness.

“We have employed more officers to fine and prosecute fly-tippers via investigations into these criminal offences and proactively utilise our network of both covert and overt cameras installed around the county to catch environmental criminals in the act.

“Our award-winning We’re Targeting Fly-tippers (WTF) campaign has already seen a huge fall in the number of fly-tips reported to us, and we have also more than doubled the number of fixed penalty notices we have issued and the number of successful prosecutions for fly-tipping.

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“But there is much more to come, as we fulfil our business plan pledge to reduce fly-tipping in Wiltshire.

“Our message is clear – we're targeting fly-tippers in Wiltshire.”

A successful FOI request to Wiltshire Police has added how many incidents the police has dealt with in each Salisbury postcode since 2020.

These are as follows:

SP1 – 8

SP2 – 9

SP3 – 2

SP4 – 4

SP5 - 16

Wiltshire Council ask anyone who needs to report fly tipping to visit this website.