Wiltshire Police has issued a serious warning to football fans ahead of the Euros 2024 final.

With England through to the Euros 2024 final and set to play against Spain on Sunday, July 14, tensions are going to be high across the country.

But regardless of whether it's a win or a loss, no one should be made to feel unsafe watching football, especially in their own homes.

Although football does not cause domestic abuse, the sad reality is that reports of domestic abuse can rise by up to 38 per cent after big international football games and that has been proven in the 2002, 2006 and 2010 World Cups.

In a statement released by Wiltshire Police on July 10, the force has made it clear that they will be ready to act on Sunday.

"No matter how well or badly your country performs, taking out your frustrations or emotions on those around will not be tolerated," said a spokesperson for Wiltshire Police.

"For many people watching matches, having a drink, and cheering on the team will only ever mean just that.

"But for some people, they will be living in fear of violence and of anger both when out and at home.

Domestic abuse reports can rise by up to 38 per cent when England play in international football games.Domestic abuse reports can rise by up to 38 per cent when England play in international football games. (Image: Getty)

"Wiltshire Police recognises that football doesn't cause domestic abuse, however, we know that it does create more opportunities for people to enjoy an increased amount of alcohol which can lead to an increase in domestic abuse.

"This can be more severe around key matches and we are asking friends and family of potential domestic abuse victims to look out for them."

Detective Chief Inspector Lucy Thorne, lead for Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in Wiltshire Police added: “I want to be really clear that domestic abuse is a force-wide priority all year round, but sadly we do know that there is an increase in domestic incidents during major football tournaments.

“We want everyone to enjoy the football, but we will not stand by while people are abused at home or while out for the night.”

Wiltshire Police are putting extra measures in place to tackle abuse and violence on the night of the Euros final.Wiltshire Police are putting extra measures in place to tackle abuse and violence on the night of the Euros final. (Image: Getty)

On the night of the Euros finals, Wiltshire Police will have additional officers patrolling busy 'night-time economy' hotspots specifically on the lookout for those looking to cause harm or nuisance.

Specialist support for those suffering from domestic abuse is also available without having to make a report to the police.

You can find help by contacting the Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service, Fearfree, Refuge or The Men's Advice Line.