Pupils – and newts – are enjoying the new pond area at a primary school. 

Ringwood Junior School received a grant from the Wessex Water Foundation Environment Fund via Dorset Community Foundation, as well as funding from Ringwood Town Council, to transform the school’s leaking pond and overgrown surroundings into a vibrant new outdoor learning space.

Volunteers from the school community, including staff and parents, worked to clear the area, re-line and improve the pond, replace broken fencing, build learning areas, create wildlife habitats and renovate the vegetable garden.

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Newts live in the transformed pondNewts live in the transformed pond (Image: Ringwood Junior School)

Within days, frogs and newts were seen darting between the waterlilies and reeds, and wildlife in the pond has continued to flourish.

Pupils have been enjoying exploring beneath logs in exciting new nature areas and learning about pond habitats in lessons and afterschool clubs.

Headteacher, Sally Ann-Evans, said: “We’re very grateful for the grants from the Wessex Water Foundation and Ringwood Town Council, and the hard work of our school community, to create a wonderful nature area that not only enhances our children’s learning experiences, but also provides important habitats for wildlife."

The Wessex Water Foundation Environment Fund supports charitable and community activities across the Wessex Water region that have a positive impact on the local environment.