AN Indian restaurant has been vandalised by children while it struggles to stay afloat with trade dropping by 40 per cent.

Anokaa, in Fisherton Street, was targeted by a group of teens four weeks ago leaving owner Mohammed Odud out of pocket as he refuses to make an insurance claim.

On the night of the incident, Mr Odud saw three children, which he estimates to be aged 14 to 16 years, shouting and gesturing as they walked past Anokaa at around 8pm.

Read more: ​Inside Fisherton Mill - a 'hidden oasis' for independent traders

Dismissing the behaviour, Mr Odud thought nothing of it until the youngsters returned at 10.30pm when all the customers had left.

One boy kicked Odud's glass door as the group walked past, causing it to crack.

Mohammed Odud had to pay £400 to replace his glass door while times are already tough.Mohammed Odud had to pay £400 to replace his glass door while times are already tough. (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Odud said he didn't want to "cause any drama" and chase after the boy "because he is was a small kid".

While Mr Odud is confident the incident was a "one off", the repair has set Anokaa back £400.

This has hit the restaurant hard at a time when its trade is down 40 per cent compared to before the Fisherton Gateway project began.

"People try to avoid Fisherton Street," said Mr Odud.

"This side was completely blocked off for six to eight months."

Mr Odud is not interested in pursuing action against the vandal but blamed his parents. He added: "Why would you let your kid out at 10pm at night when you don't know what they are up to?"