I'm writing as I'm absolutely disappointed at the NHS Wilton Road medical practice who thinks their way of making an appointment to see a doctor is the right way for the population.

Since when and why are people told they cannot see a Doctor unless you apply online, or told to go to the walk-in clinic instead?

Have they tried to be seen at the walk-in clinic that is so busy from 6.30pm until 10.30pm at night that there is little chance of being seen? 

Since when did it happen that you cannot simply make a phone call to see a Doctor without having to disclose to a receptionist your problem?

Then having to answer questions which I'm sure had I answered yes would have been told to go to the ED department. 

I need to see a Doctor and being prevented by this practice who I was told I have to apply to because it is the catchment area of where I am staying temporarily.

As a taxpayer this is distressing, as a person who needs to see a Doctor it is distressing, as I am a  Nurse caring for other people, I am distressed that no one gives a damn for me.

I now need to try and phone around to find a practice where I can see someone while I am here.

How do the people of Salisbury feel and how do the elderly cope with this if practices are doing what suits them and not the patient?

After living in Devon where the NHS medical practices and hospital is excellent, it's sad to know local NHS medical practice is not so good.

Why is NHS medical practice different from one area to another? Why isn't there a uniform practice throughout the NHS?

Name and address supplied 

Send letters by email to newsdesk@salisburyjournal.co.uk or by post to Editor, Salisbury Journal, Suite B (Ground Floor), Milford House, Milford Street, Salisbury, SP1 2BP.