Pupils from Amesbury Primary School enjoyed a culinary experience at Wagamama as a reward for their work in promoting inclusivity.

Ambassadors of the school's Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABA) were treated to an exclusive cooking and tasting experience at Wagamama's Salisbury restaurant on Wednesday, July 3. 

The event was organised as a reward for the students, who have completed the prestigious Diana Award training and have helped towards creating a positive and inclusive environment at the school.

(Image: Amesbury Primary School)

The pupils were excited to participate in this hands-on cooking session, where they learned to prepare some of Wagamama's dishes under the guidance of the restaurant's skilled chefs.

Rachael Rogers, Headteacher at the school, said: "We are incredibly thankful to Wagamama's Salisbury for offering this wonderful experience to our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

"This reward is a testament to their hard work and dedication to making our school a safer and more welcoming place for everyone. 

(Image: Amesbury Primary School)

“The cooking and tasting session not only provided a fun and educational experience but also celebrated the children's achievements in a meaningful way."

The ABA program at Amesbury CE Primary School, in conjunction with the Diana Award training, empowers students to stand against bullying and foster a supportive school culture. 

The ABA ambassadors, who are no older than 11, play a crucial role in peer support, conflict resolution, and promoting kindness and respect among their fellow pupils.

A spokesperson for Wagamama's Salisbury said: "We love the enthusiasm and positivity of you all. We love to see children happy and engaged trying new food and learning about it."