Salisbury's Liberal Democrat candidate was joined by two members of the House of Lords in the final weekend of campaigning before the election.

On Saturday, June 29, just five days before the election, Victoria Charleston and her team visited homes on St Marks Avenue, proceeding to St Edmunds and then went to Wilton, ending up in Harnham.

She was supported by Tim Razzall, Baron Razzall and Jane Bonham Carter, Baroness Bonham Carter of Yarnbury. 

The two peers joined as they live in the constituency, but also as they see it as a "winnable seat" for Victoria. 

READ MORE: General Election: Who you can vote for in Wiltshire

Tim said: "It’s neck and neck between us and the Tories. The major argument we're trying to get across that if you want to get rid of John Glen, we’re the only people you can vote for.

"It’s not so much tactical voting it’s that we’ve got the best candidate in Victoria – she’s fantastic, lives locally, brings up her family locally and is very well known in the community now."

Both Tim and Jane are high profile Liberal Democrat Peers.

Tim Razall and Jane Bonham CarterTim Razall and Jane Bonham Carter (Image: Newsquest)

Tim added: "The real message is very clear – this is a clear fight between Victoria and John Glen and it’s going to be very close!

"This could come down to a few hundred votes, one way or the other."

Victoria said: "At 7.30am we were out delivering leaflets - because that is way too early to knock on doors! I had a new guy with me, Sam, who used to vote Labour and is now out campaigning with me for the Lib Dems.

(Image: Newsquest)

"We had a really good response at the doors. People know that here it’s the vote between the conservatives and myself. They can feel that it’s time for change locally as well as nationally."

Also joining was Andrew North, chair of Salisbury Liberal Democrats.

He said: "We're out today working on identifying the final list of people for polling day so we know where our voters are.

Andrew NorthAndrew North (Image: Newsquest)

"Everybody's making their decision right now as to what they want to do and were starting to see the numbers firm up and people are deciding who they’re going to vote for."

Nick Baker, chair of Laverstock and Ford Parish Council added: "Its going really well - it’s very exciting. There’s a real sense of people wanting change and people saying 'we want something different'.

"I’ve never seen a time when so many people are still making up their minds. Some people are saying they won’t vote as they’re so frustrated and feel so let down by everyone, but I believe a democracy is the cornerstone of our country and if people lose that hope - that’s disastrous.

Nick BakerNick Baker (Image: Newsquest)

"So, it’s been really good to talk to people and say that there are people trying to make a difference."

The full list of Salisbury candidates is as follows: 

Victoria Charleston: Liberal Democrat

John Glen: Conservative

Chris Harwood: Climate Party

Julian Malins: Reform UK

Barney Norris: Green Party

King Arthur Pendragon: Independent

Matt Aldridge: Labour