A TEENAGER who assaulted a nurse has been ordered to undertake psychological treatment.

Bethany Walford, 19, of no fixed address, attacked an emergency worker in Salisbury on Saturday, June 22.

Walford was jailed earlier this year for wilfully obstructing Devizes Road on February 28.

She also has previous convictions attacking a police officer in Swindon on June 8 and trespassing on the tracks of Salisbury Railway Station on January 15.

Read more: ​Woman fined for trespassing on Salisbury railway tracks

Walford was ordered to pay £20 compensation to Ms Bowman after pleading guilty to assault at Salisbury Magistrates' Court on Monday, June 24.

Magistrates did not fine for her or order for further costs because Walford has no means of paying it.

Walford was also sentenced to a 15 days of mental health rehabilitation with Turning Point which she must complete over a six-month period.