WE at the Journal have asked each of Salisbury's election candidates some questions in the lead-up to the general election on July 4.

You can the answers from three of the other candidates here: 

Up next, Salisbury's former MP since 2010, John Glen. 

Why should people vote for you?

I have been a dedicated constituency MP throughout my time in Salisbury, I am passionate about Salisbury and taking it forward. My record demonstrates that I have a track record of getting things delivered for Salisbury. 

But also being an MP means that you have got to look after the interests of the most vulnerable week in, week out and I have built up a very clear understanding of the needs of the most vulnerable communities in this constituency and I am very keen to work to improve the situation.

I think I have demonstrated time and time again that I have put Salisbury first and I want to continue to serve this community. 

What would be on your to do list on day 1 and what would be your top three priorities going forward?

The next challenge for Salisbury is to finally deliver the redevelopment of the Maltings, a new Playhouse with a cultural quarter and to deliver on the cultural strategy that was rewritten last year. I have already started conversations with the Arts Council and Wiltshire Council to set up the decision-making for that process to happen and I think that is the big project that I would like to focus on if I am re-elected next time. 

But I also want to influence what is happening with our health and education. They are the two public services that most people are most concerned about.

What are your policies on climate change / net zero?

I have always thought that this is a significant priority, it is something that many young people are concerned about and it's really important that we continue to invest in new technologies such as offshore wind that will continue to change where our energy is provided from. 

But we also have to realise that we in the UK account for less than one per cent of emissions so the solutions to solve this problem will not just be found here. It will be on international action as well, and we have taken a leadership role with the other large economies providing the money for other countries to transition directly away from dependency on old energy sources.

Progress has been made but more can be done and I will do everything I can both locally and supporting national policies that address the climate change challenge that we face. It is real. But one needs to be pragmatic about how we find solutions recognising that we want to take the whole of society to that future. 

What do you think needs to be done to fix the NHS, especially with regards to NHS dentists?

We recently put a package of additional funding for dentists forward and I think there is an opportunity there to expand provision for Salisbury but obviously it will depend on the outcome of the election overall and what any government does in this area but I do recognise it as a priority as is getting the right care to the right people as quickly as possible. We have put a lot of emphasis on pharmacy first, community diagnostic hubs, to actually relieve some of the pressures on the hospital, but since Covid we have seen more respiratory conditions in the summer months and that has put a lot of pressure on our GPs, so despite additional resources - 45 per cent additional resources beyond inflation into the NHS  a whole - we have got to think about how we can remove some of the bureaucracy so that the resources actually impact front line care more effectively. 

What are your policies on housing, especially for young people? 

I don't believe in Labour's approach which is basically to centralise housing and prescribe from the centre where it should be. Housing is always a delicate matter. 

Young people do need somewhere to live, and it is a priority to have more but I do think Salisbury has reached its limit in terms of what it can tolerate in the immediate vicinity. In recent years we have had significant development at Bishopdown Farm, St Peter's Place, Wilton Hill, and Netherhampton Road. There comes a point where the infrastructure of a medieval city cannot cope with more development. I would be looking for new settlements that remove some of the pressure around Salisbury because we know the infrastructure strains under that, especially the road system which can't be radically overhauled overnight,