There are some gorgeous photos of poppies in the Salisbury Camera Club this week.

The field poppy is a hardy annual plant, growing year after year up to 40cm high and flowering from June into September.

Red poppies grow in disturbed soils and are often found in agricultural fields and along roadside verges. They are annual plants, completing their life cycle within one growing season.

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Poppy field in Salisbury PlainPoppy field in Salisbury Plain (Image: Hang Ross)

Changes in agricultural practices and land use have impacted the growth of wild poppies, which is why poppy fields are much rarer than in years gone by, in areas like Wiltshire and Dorset. 

However, some of our camera club members have taken some gorgeous photos in the Salisbury Camera Club, so we've selected eight fantastic photos of the poppy fields in all their colour to share with our readers this week.

Use the photo gallery at the top of the article to see some amazing photos taken in and around Salisbury.