AN application for twenty homes on a site at Sixpenny Handley has been signed off by Dorset Council.

Several changes have been made to the planning application for a site at Back Lane over the last three years to meet objections. The changes have including reducing the number of homes and percentage of larger properties.

The proposal includes the demolition of existing buildings on the site which lies within the Cranborne Chase & West Wiltshire Downs National Landscape (AONB) and Chalk Valley & Downland character type area.

Full details of the proposal and other planning decisions for the area can be seen on the Dorset Council website using the references provided below.

Illustration - the Sixpenny Handley proposal for 20 homes.

P/FUL/2021/05768 - Land at Back Lane Sixpenny Handley. Demolition of existing buildings & erection of 20no. dwellings, including access, parking & landscaping. Granted.