Like Robin Wrigley in this week's Postbag, I too, find the pile of old wood stacked in front of the Cathedral, both incongruous and offensive. 

Like the writer, I was waiting for the bonfire to be lit or are  they perhaps waiting until November 5?   I assume that the Cathedral clergy are the ultimate decision makers in allowing such desecration. 

READ MORE: Letter: 'The Close had been visited by fly-tippers'

Us residents in The Close have had no say in the matter and instead have to view this timber pile daily to the detriment of the Cathedral facade.  

The art exhibition outside the CathedralThe art exhibition outside the Cathedral (Image: Newsquest)

If the objective is to draw attention to the sad situation along our Dorset and Norfolk coastline then a better solution would be to erect some large colour photographic posters with householders comments showing  the crumbling cliffs and houses in danger of collapsing into the sea.

May this monstrous debacle be removed as soon as possible.

William Cousins

The Close, Salisbury 

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