“I am standing for election to Parliament in the constituency of Salisbury because Simon Stiell, the CEO of the UN's Climate Change Committee told us that there are "two years left to save the planet" says Climate Party candidate, Chris Harwood.

In a letter to the Journal, Salisbury's climate party candidate said:

I aim to get elected as MP and then push fellow MPs hard to do what they know they should. We have had the "code red for humanity" and numerous other warnings, but we are now right at the brink. We can stop it, but as Wellington would have said, it will be a "close run thing".

As a retired teacher, I have the time to study the science. As a computer science graduate, I have the training to understand what the figures mean. No interpretation of them results in any indication that things are going to be OK if we try to try to maintain the status quo.

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The strange thing is that we can prevent the worst of climate change - we know what to do, but we are not doing it. Our own High Court has twice now declared our Government's climate plans unlawful, because they fall badly short of the promises the Government has made.

"Climate change has already started, and it is developing just as the mathematical models predicted. Horror stories of the later stages are the stuff of Hollywood disaster movies. For the sake of my grandchildren, I feel that I must join the effort to prevent the disaster.

Chris Harwood for the Climate PartyChris Harwood for the Climate Party (Image: Chris Harwood)

Some are concerned that the effort will be so expensive that it would damage the economy. Far from it. The Climate Party's plan to bring Net Zero forward to 2030 will, if adopted cause a sharp rise in employment and provide significant opportunities for investment. Good opportunities for investment are not easy to find at the moment. Higher employment plus strong investment equals greater wealth. Basic Economics.

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So that is why I am standing and how we can stop the problem. As a by-product it will go a long way to tackling the nature crisis and provide us with the wealth to improve the NHS and empower councils to do what they need to do. Most of the problems stem from the fact that we are not a wealthy country at the moment.

Some point out, correctly, that one country on its own cannot stop climate change just by achieving Net Zero. But the beauty of it is that when others see the wealth generated by the rapid change to Net Zero, we will not have to ask them to do it, they will insist that they have a right to do it too.

There are 13 Climate Party candidates standing for election on July 4. But all politicians rely on your votes. You can fight climate change by voting for the Climate Party. In Salisbury, that is me, Chris Harwood.

Chris Harwood

The full list of candidates standing for election in Salisbury are:

- Matt Aldridge: Labour Party

- Victoria Charleston: Liberal Democrat

- John Glen: Conservative

- Chris Harwood: Climate Party

- Julian Malins: Reform UK

- Barney Norris: Green Party

- King Arthur Pendragon: Independent