The founder and chair of trustees at Horatio’s Garden has been recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours list with an OBE for exceptional services to charity.

Dr Olivia Chapple set up the charity Horatio’s Garden with her husband David in 2012, creating and nurturing fully accessible garden projects across the UK to give vital places for reflection and adjustment for people who have experienced spinal injuries, their families and NHS staff.

This news comes after Olivia was presented with the Elizabeth Medal of Honour on May 20.

(Image: Horatio's Garden)

The charity is a legacy to her eldest son, Horatio, an aspiring doctor, whose research identified the need for a garden for patients in the NHS spinal injury centre where he was a volunteer.

Dr Olivia Chapple said: “There are so many people who share in this honour but I devote it to Horatio, whose immense courage and kindness infuses me every day. He was ahead of his time when he realised how gardens could be essential places for people with spinal injuries going through the most difficult of times.

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"Today, because of Horatio’s research and vision, we are supporting thousands of people. In the next five years, we hope to ensure that no-one with a spinal injury in the UK should have to spend months in hospital without being connected to nature.”

The honour is awarded on the same day as the official opening of Horatio’s Garden in Northern Ireland. Under Olivia’s leadership there are now seven ground-breaking gardens across the UK.

Dr Olivia ChappleDr Olivia Chapple (Image: Horatio's Garden)

RHS vice president, Horatio’s Garden Scotland designer and Horatio’s Garden trustee James Alexander-Sinclair said: “Olivia Chapple is an indefatigable champion for the power of gardens and this honour is richly deserved.

“Her extraordinary leadership and inspiration in creating gardens for those affected by spinal injury has brought light and joy into the lives of thousands of people - patients, families, staff and visitors. Many, many congratulations.”

Ambassador of Horatio’s Garden Melanie Reid MBE FRSE added: “It’s hard to overstate what Olivia Chapple has done for the physical and mental wellbeing of people traumatised by spinal injury.

"Horatio’s Gardens at the UK’s spinal units are beautiful green sanctuaries where patients and their families can find peace, privacy and healing. Nor should we forget that this extraordinary achievement was born from Olivia’s own tragedy in losing her son.”

Horatio’s Garden has now started work on its eighth garden at The Princess Royal Spinal Injuries Centre at Northern General Hospital in Sheffield, one year exactly since it began its life as the Best in Show winning garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show, supported by Project Giving Back.