Crowds gathered to pay their respects on the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

After a short morning service at 8am on Thursday, June 6, an evening of remembrance began at 5.30pm on the Guildhall Square when a Royal British Legion (RBL) piper played on the steps of the Guildhall.

This was followed by the civic party arriving, cadets taking post with the crowd facing the memorial, while the RBL band continued to play. 

READ MORE: Salisbury remembers early hours of D-Day at War Memorial

An RBL piper played on the steps of the Guildhall (Image: Spencer Mulholland Photography)

John Sykes, a World War Two veteran, was presented with two World War Two medals, to replace two that had been lost.

The RBL president, Lt Col Retd Christopher Child said: "John was a Wellington, and later a Halifax bomber crew member during the war, who flew a total of 39 missions including several that supported the D-Day operations.

Mr Sykes receiving his new medals (Image: Spencer Mulholland Photography)

"John was very keen to wear his medals today, but they had gone adrift many years ago.

"I'm sure you will all agree that it's great to see John, now proudly wearing those well-deserved medals at this remembrance service today."

The RBL president continued: "Today, we remember all those who fell on D-Day and in the subsequent battles. But in particular, we remember those from our city, who fought and died on D-Day, and the weeks that followed."

Paying respects to the memorial (Image: Spencer Mulholland Photography)

Mayor of Salisbury, councillor Sven Hocking, said: "D-Day was a pivotal moment in the Second World War, it was a testament to the courage determination and sacrifice of thousands of young men who answered the call of duty.

"Many of these servicemen were scarcely more than boys, but displayed a fortitude of bravery beyond their years. They came from different backgrounds, from different countries, united by a common purpose: to fight for freedom, justice, and the future of our world."

A number of wreaths were laid (Image: Spencer Mulholland Photography)

The RBL Chaplain then led prayers and words of scripture, before the RBL president read the final verses of For the Fallen: "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them."

The Last Post was then played by the bugler, and a minute of silence was taken.

This was followed by prayers, and wreaths laid on the memorial by the deputy lieutenant of Wiltshire, mayor of Salisbury and RBL president.

The National Anthem was sung before the bells of St Thomas' Church were rang, and the civic party were led into the Guildhall as the commemorations concluded.