Residents and staff at Laverstock's Milford House Care Home have been educated by local PCSOs on avoiding scams.

PCSOs John Taylor and Charlotte King visited the home, run by one of the UK's largest care providers, Barchester Healthcare, to emphasize factors that recognises scams and to discuss appropriate countermeasures.

Highlighting that scams affecting the elderly aren't exclusive but common, residents were briefed about various deceitful tactics employed by scammers.

In-person, phone, post, email, and social media scams were discussed. Crucial tips on appropriately responding and reporting scams were also shared.

The interaction was a two-way learning session where residents reflected on their own experiences of scams and recovery processes.

Milford House, home to 70 residents, regularly organizes such informative events, facilitating both residential and nursing care.

General manager of the home, Aga Musial said: "We know that scammers often target the elderly because they can be more trusting, but it can happen to any of us at any time however much we think we wouldn’t be fooled.

"We were delighted to take up PCSO John Taylor’s offer of a talk as we wanted to our residents, staff members as well as friends from within the community to be better informed on scamming tricks, and to know that support is always here at Milford House as well as with the local police."

A resident at the home also said: "I thought I knew all about scams but what I learnt today is that the scammers are always changing the way they operate, so there is always something new to be on the lookout for and so it’s important to always keep your guard up!"