Coombe Bissett CE VA Primary School have achieved an award relating to their high standards in teaching of religious education.

The school received the "The Wire Award", created by SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education), with the hope of increasing enrichment opportunities linked to religious education.

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Celia Hicks, a representative of SACRE, visited the pupils during their collective worship on Monday, June 3, to give the award to the school.

To achieve the award, Year 5 and 6 had an educational visit to a Sikh Gurdwara in Southampton and all of Key Stage 2 welcomed a Hindu visitor into school to learn more about religions and world views.

Salisbury Journal: To present The Wire award to Coombe Bissett CE VA Primary School, Celia Hicks-a representative of

The school also held a ‘church learning day’ where the whole school celebrated their close relationship with the village church.

On this day, Key Stage 2 were given the opportunity to go up the tower to the bellringing chamber and see the tower captain ring a bell.

Mrs Pendlenton, who organised the application for The Wire award, said: "As a small rural village school, it is not always easy to ensure that our children have experiences of other faiths and cultures and we are very proud that we have successfully achieved this recognition.

"The children at Coombe Bissett are completely deserving of this award.”