Wiltshire Police has praised the efforts of volunteers who help them carry out their duties.

The first week of June always highlights the contributions made by those who give their time, skills and knowledge for the benefit of others in their communities and within public services.

National Volunteers’ Week, from June 3 to 9, is an opportunity to recognise the many people who volunteer across our communities and within our public services.

The first volunteer police officers being introduced in the 1800s. Volunteers have taken on a variety of roles across the spectrum of policing, have widened the breadth of skills and knowledge within the Wiltshire force, have improved police’s resilience and capacity and have shared their voice, views, and experiences.

Colin Conway, staff lead for Citizens in Policing, said: “Here at Wiltshire Police we are incredibly fortunate to be supported by so many amazing people who volunteer their time, experience and skills to help keep the people of Wiltshire safe.

“Whether that is as a Police Support Volunteer, Special Constable, Cadet Leader, as a member of one of our independent advisory groups or watch schemes - we recognise and appreciate all you do and the valuable contribution you make.

“On behalf of myself, Wiltshire Police and the communities of Wiltshire, thank you all. We are all incredibly grateful for your ongoing support, admirable public spirit and willingness to help in any way you can.

“We look forward to working more closely with all our volunteers over the next 12 months.”

Jenn Holton, lead for the Wiltshire Police Neighbourhood Harm and Reduction Team, said: “The public play an important role in how we police, and I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those who volunteer throughout Wiltshire Police.

"Whether they are special constables, Community Speed Watch, Neighbourhood Watch, volunteers working in commissioned services or independent custody visitors just to name a few, the contributions volunteers make across the force, criminal justice system and our community impacts positively on the way we work, on staff and officers, and the communities we serve.

“These people, alongside those who sit on our scrutiny panels, bring to our attention how we could improve people’s experiences of the criminal justice system in Wiltshire and Swindon. Thank you.”

To find out more about volunteering with Wiltshire Police - including how to apply or express an interest in a role - visit the Volunteers and Specials Constables section under Careers on the Wiltshire Police website.