A TEAM of Royal Engineers from Wiltshire are embarking on a 2,800-mile rowing challenge for charity.

The Salty Sappers will row across the Pacific Ocean from Monterey, California, to Hanalei Bay, Hawaii as part of the World’s Toughest Row.

The Sappers are taking part in the challenge to raise funds for the Royal Engineers Association which supports veteran and serving Royal Engineers and their families.

Salisbury Journal: The kit the Salty Sappers will be taking with themThe kit the Salty Sappers will be taking with them (Image: Adam Sedgwick)

Shrewton resident Adam Sedgwick is part of the team. He told the Journal: “In preparation we have been following a very strict physical training programme inclusive of long row-erg sessions and strength training.

“We have also had to complete a series of mandatory courses for the race such as the RYA (Royal Yachting Association) Sea survival course, RYA first aid course and essential navigation and seamanship.

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“A lot of prep outside of the physical aspects of our campaign included learning everything there is to know about our boat ‘Victory’, we’ve had to seek out sponsorships to gather the necessary funding to get us to California but we’re now here and enjoying the sunshine whilst completing inspections before getting the boat into the water.”

Salisbury Journal: The Salty SappersThe Salty Sappers (Image: Adam Sedgwick)

The Salty Sappers will be on the starting line for the race on Saturday, June 8.

Once on the water, they will face numerous challenges, as the Pacific Ocean is known for its formidable waves, and fierce weather conditions.

The team will need to row continuously, with each member taking shifts to ensure their small vessel keeps moving towards its destination.

For more information, and to follow their journey, follow the Salty Sappers Instagram page @Salty_Sappers.