A man who abused his position while working at Wiltshire Council by committing fraud offences has been ordered to pay back costs.

In Chippenham on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 while working as a member of the Fleet team, Brendon Smith, of Dicketts Road in Corsham, abused his position to gain £69.55 for himself.

Later that year on Thursday, December 8, while still working for the council Smith abused his position again to gain £60.57.

In 2023, he committed the same offence on Tuesday, January 10 to gain £67.96 and £56.73 on Saturday, January 28.

This amounted to a total of £254.81.

Smith, aged 43, was charged with four counts of fraud by abuse of position. He pleaded guilty to all offences at Swindon Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

Smith was ordered to pay £254.81 in compensation and a fine of £200.

The 43-year-old must also pay court costs of £85 and a surcharge fee of £80.