A WOMAN had to visit Royal Bournemouth Hospital after she was concussed by a horse that was frightened by a cyclist.

A mum and daughter from Bransgore, Angela James, 60, and Steph Weeks, 30, have urged cyclists to warn of their arrival when near horses.

This comes after a fast passing cyclist made their horse, Duncan, jump which concussed Angela in Lyndhurst Road on May 27. 

Although they stopped at the scene, Steph said the cyclist did not help after Angela was knocked and continued to cycle on.

She said: "I have five horses and we were taking one of them down the road to a different field. I was leading the horse and my mum was walking next to me.

"As we were walking a bike came past us which made the horse jump and, while I managed to get out of the way, it hit mum and knocked her over onto the floor.

"The cyclist stopped for a brief moment to look at what was going on so I said to him to help but he just looked at me blankly."

Helped by the kindness of other strangers, Steph said her mum suffered a lapse in memory, unable to understand why she was on the side of the road and speaking 'gibberish'.

Taken to Royal Bournemouth Hospital, she was given a CT scan and was released that evening and began to slowly remember the moments surrounding the event. 

She said: "She started to remember what happened that morning and other bits and bobs, where the yard was and what was going on. 

"If the horse is walking along, just announce that you're there as a cyclist and coming past or something so that the horse can hear you and doesn't give them as much of a shock.

"I would prefer to hear a cyclist as soon as they clock that there's a horse to say 'cyclist behind' or 'cyclist coming' or to ask if it can overtake to alert both the horse and the rider."

Steph said Angela was now back to her usual self on May 30 despite a tough few days.