A PRE-SCHOOL near Salisbury where children make "exceptional progress" has been rated outstanding.

Pitton Pre-School scored top marks across the board following an Ofsted inspection on March 26.

Registered in 2021, the setting looks after 21 children in Pitton village hall and employs seven members of staff.

All of the children at the pre-school are "deeply engrossed" in their learning and play.

Staff use play to engage the children in an ambitious curriculum and help them sustain their concentration for long periods of time.

Inspector Jonathan Payne picked up on how the children play shops while staff "expertly" model language, writing and counting. 

"They make shopping lists together, having fun discissions about items they would like to buy," he said.

Salisbury Journal: Pitton Pre-School is 'outstanding' according to Ofsted.Pitton Pre-School is 'outstanding' according to Ofsted. (Image: Iwona Andrews-Skarul)

Staff are highly effective at enhancing children's thinking skills by delighting in their ideas and valuing their contributions.

Mr Payne added: "Children feel loved, safe and valued. Staff trust children and give them extra responsibilities to help with the session's smooth running.

"Children prepare food for others' snacks by slicing bananas and peeling oranges. They tidy up items they have been playing with, often without prompting, and take pride in ensuring they leave activities ready for other children to play with."

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Manager Iwona Andrews-Skarul was praised for her ambitious curriculum that benefits all children.

Leaders and staff place a high value on building children's self-belief and confidence while nurturing their independence.

Mr Payne noted how children make "exceptional progress" from their starting points, particularly those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Salisbury Journal: The pre-school operates out of Pitton village hall.The pre-school operates out of Pitton village hall. (Image: Iwona Andrews-Skarul)

Children at Pitton Pre-School have a deep love for reading books and staff encourage this by taking the time to talk about the illustrations and relatable experiences.

Their behaviour is "excellent" and staff reinforce the pre-school's rules through meaningful praise.

Mrs Andrews-Skarul said: "We are all immensely proud of our achievement. This incredible accomplishment is a testament to our amazing teams hard work, dedication and passion.

"We couldn't be more proud of their commitment to providing the highest standard of care and education for children.

"Our team has pulled together to provide the best experience for the children we care for, whilst continuing to support families and their well being."

Iwona said the report was an "excellent and honest assessment" of what the nursery provides children every day.

"It's a complete privilege for all of us to be recognised as an outstanding setting and knowing that 'children feel loved, safe and valued'," she added.