Tributes have been paid to a ‘vibrant and caring’ woman from Zeals who died at the age of 18 at an inquest into her death. 

Erin Grace Lauder, who studied at Bishop Wordsworth’s school and worked as a barmaid, lived in Zeals with her parents, Nicki and Harry Lauder, and sister, Harriet Lauder.

Miss Lauder had suffered with mental health problems since the age of 14, but had she been discharged from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in January 2021.

An inquest held at Wiltshire and Swindon Coroners Court on Friday, May 10, heard that no further mental health concerns had been raised since starting her new school, where she had ‘met friends and was coping well.’

READ MORE: What happens at an inquest and what can the press report?

Her parents Mr and Mrs Lauder said: “So many people have been touched by the passing of our loving, vibrant, caring, fun and bright daughter and she is so deeply missed.”

Salisbury Journal: Erin Grace Lauder

Miss Lauder was among the first year group of girls being accepted to Bishop Wordsworth’s school.

Her parents added: “Her happiest years were being part of the sixth form at Bishop Wordsworth’s School.

“As Erin’s family, we have been overwhelmed by the kindness and support shown to us since Erin’s death including the end of summer term 2023 collection by Bishop Wordsworth’s pupils for Papyrus (dedicated to the prevention of young suicide) and Mosaic (a Dorset based charity supporting young people dealing with bereavement).”

A friend of Miss Lauder’s, Beccy Mann, also raised money for Papyrus in Erin’s name earlier this year, swimming in the sea every day for a month.

Mr and Mrs Lauder added: “An annual award for “contribution to the sixth form” has also been inaugurated in her honour and we thank the head, staff, and pupils at Bishops for their ongoing support.

“We would also like to thank Chris White funeral directors of Salisbury.”

During her time at school, Erin “threw herself” into the politics society, got involved in drama productions, taught sign language, organised her prom and played in girls’ rugby, alongside her A-level studies.

On leaving school, Miss Lauder had decided to defer university and had been accepted by British Airways as to work as cabin crew.

On the day of her death, April 30, 2023, Miss Lauder had been out with her friends. She received news about a relationship, which she told her parents.

At 3.50pm, she told her dad that she was going on a walk, which was not uncommon for her. She had not returned home after an hour.

Concerned Dad Harry Lauder had taken their dog on a walk to try and find her, where he bumped into a police officer. The officer told Mr Lauder that his daughter had died.

There were no suspicious circumstances surrounding Miss Lauder’s death and the coroner, Ian Singleton, recorded the death as suicide.

Her parents added: “We wished that in the moment of contemplating suicide Erin had stopped and spoken to someone- even a stranger. 

“A mental health support YoungMinds helpline can be reached 24/7 by texting the word SHOUT to 85258. We hope as many people as possible might keep this on their phones just in case.”

For more information and guidance about mental health and suicide visit You can call the Samaritans on 116 123.