A FILM society held a special film night to raise "much needed" funds for Women's Refuge.

In late November, Salisbury Soroptimists and Bemerton Film Society screened the Icelandic comedy 'Woman at War' and raised £427 for Salisbury Women's Refuge.

The screening took place at St John's Place, Lower Bemerton Road, which is the venue for the Bemerton Film Society's monthly meetings.

Soroptimists' President, Jenny Hair, thanked everyone for coming and explained that the screening was part of the UN Orange the World campaign which has the aim of eliminating violence against women.

The 16 days of activism begin each year on November 25, the International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women.

This year Salisbury Soroptimists have been raising awareness of domestic violence with displays in shops and businesses around the city in conjunction with the Mothers' Union, Diocese of Salisbury, buildings lit in orange, orange postbox toppers and an orange decorated tree at St Thomas' Christmas Tree festival.

Salisbury Journal: Bemerton Film Society screened 'Woman at War'.

Each venue displayed shocking statistics about domestic violence, such as 'A domestic abuse related call is made to the police every 30 seconds' and 'It is estimated that less than 24 per cent of domestic abuse crime is reported to the police'.

Salisbury Soroptimists have been raising funds for Salisbury Women’s Refuge every year via Quiz nights, but they hoped that this additional evening would raise even more through ticket sales and the generosity of attendees.

Caroline Probert, chair of Salisbury Women’s Refuge, spoke about the experience of residents in the refuge and her appreciation of the role of the Soroptimists in initiating the establishment of the refuge and their continuing support.

The refuge needs to raise extra funds as Wiltshire Council had withdrawn their funding via the charity FearFree.

Caroline explained that residents were often staying longer in the refuge because of the shortage of rental properties for them to move on to when they felt ready.

Jenny announced that the evening raised £427 which has been donated to Salisbury Women’s Refuge. She also thanked everyone who attended and donated.

St John's Place has regular Bemerton Film Society Screenings on the second Wednesday of every month.

For more information about the Film Society, Salisbury Soroptimists and Salisbury Women’s Refuge, visit their relevant websites.