Recently I had occasion to use the toilets in the Market Square and as usual I did not have the correct change to pay the 20p charge. The charming lady attendant apologised that she was not permitted to accept bank notes for change and allowed me to use the toilets for free.

I suggested to her that wouldn’t it be a good idea for the council to install a card reader and even boost the charge to 50p?

Her reply was that the council was going to do away with the downstairs toilet facilities and her into the bargain. I said I thought this would be a crying shame.

As a schoolboy attending St Paul’s school and living in West Harnham those very toilets saved my life.

Aged 9 years or so I got caught short whilst changing buses in the Blue Boar Row. So, I was able to use half of my two penny bus fare to enter the then cubicle and after, emergency over was able to walk the rest of my way home.

I got much praise from my mum even though I was late.

May I plea to Salisbury City Council before you close these toilets in their current configuration.

Yours truly,

Robin Wrigley
