There was Festive cheer all round at the Wilton and Salisbury Rotary club Christmas dinner at the White Hart hotel on Monday night.

After a fun filled evening with magic by Bernie Jones, carols by Roger Neill, a scrumptious dinner and a visit by Father Christmas Guest of the evening Mayor Atiqul Hoque delighted the audience by sharing the great news that his Mayor’s Appeal 2023 has (with thanks to the fund raising that evening) surpassed an incredible £18,000 in the first six months.

And in a special presentation he gave all the funds to his chosen charities namely £6000 to Salisbury Hospice £6000 to Wilton’s RDA (Riding for Disabled Association) and £6000 between Wilton and Salisbury Rotary Clubs to spend locally.

Representatives of all four beneficiaries shared their thanks to Atiqul and to everyone who had contributed so far.

The evening was rounded off by Wilton Rotary Club President Andy Rhind-Tutt who presented Mayor Atiqul with an ode to the Mayors Appeal summarising his incredible year so far.

Freelance photographer Spencer Mulholland captured the evening on camera.

“Twas Christmas time in Salisbury and in Wilton town, the Rotary Club was bustling, not feeling down.

With bells that jingled, and lights aglow, they planned events that made faces glow.

The Mayor of Salisbury, with a festive cheer, joined hands with Hospice staff, spreading joy far and near.

Wilton Riding for Disabled, horses in a prance, joined in the merriment, leading a joyful dance.

Fundraising in full swing, they all worked day and night, for charity and goodwill, their hearts burning bright.

A royal visit brought smiles, a cheer so grand, adding flair to auctions, where treasures changed hand.

A Curry Night sparked flavors, spicy and bold, bringing people together, tales to be told.

Multi-faith Cathedral event, a hymn and prayer, unifying spirits, showing how much they care.

Talks about Stonehenge, its mystery profound,

Auctioned relics and artifacts astound.

Raffles drew crowds, eager to win,

Supporting causes with a festive grin.

So here’s to Wilton and Salisbury’s delight,

Christmas joy and goodwill shining so bright.

With Rotary’s spirit and hearts full of cheer,

They made this season, a time so dear.

Merry Christmas Everyone! “