River Bourne Community Farm has once again become the target of criminals.

The farm informed the public of the most recent intrusion onto its property via a Facebook post, which explained that on Saturday, December 16, between 12.50am and 1.20am, two men in grey hoodies broke through the gate and gained entry into two of the buildings.

The intruders could be seen on CCTV parking a white, high white transit van on Manor Farm Road, in which they sat in for ten minutes before approaching the gate of the farm briefly, retuning to the van to move it nearer the entrance and then breaking into the property.

The perpetrators went directly to a locked shed containing an ATV and broke into it.

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Sara-Jane Hancock, education and marketing manager at River Bourne Community Farm, said: “They tried to get it started. They were in there for a good 10-15 minutes because we could see phone lights and torches going on when they were trying to start it. It looked like they got the lights going on it at one point.”

The would-be thieves were unable to start the ATV without the keys, and Sara-Jane said it appeared that they were disturbed while later trying to force entry into a bungalow on the farm.

Sara-Jane also said that when staff arrived on Sunday morning, it appeared that the new locks put in place after the Saturday incident had been tampered with and she hopes that by publicising the incident members of the public and neighbours can be on guard to help protect the farm.

She said: “It is pretty heartbreaking when you think about what we do and what we’re here for and the fact that we’re free for everyone, that people still think it’s okay to come and try and rob us.

“It really upsets everyone when it happens. You just think God, we’re working hard to provide a free place for families and great education for kids who really need it and then people think it’s okay to just come and rob us.”