ROBOTS are being used to fix key areas of pipe replacement as part of the sewer system improvement work in Amesbury which started today Monday, October 23.

Wessex Water is using these new technologies which include machine learning, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality as well as advances in aerial and underground surveys.

The robots can replace disruptive drilling which would otherwise be needed to complete the work and leads to no-dig techniques. The robotic aid makes its way along pipework in order to make vital connections.

Salisbury Journal: Engineer fitting wheels to the cutting robotEngineer fitting wheels to the cutting robot (Image: Wessex Water)

Read more: £90,000 programme of sewer enhancements in Amesbury

A spokesperson for Wessex Water said: “This method involves relining the sewer without any or with minimal excavation, minimising the disruption to our customers and speeding up the time that we are on site.

“It entails inserting a liner into the pipe which is pushed into position using water and then heat securing the pipe into a new pipe within the defective sewer. CCTV crawlers then go through inspection the finished pipe and robotics cut out the connections between the sewer, homes, and businesses around the sewer length.”

Salisbury Journal: The cutting robotThe cutting robot (Image: Wessex Water)

Read more: Huge sum of money saved thanks to volunteer litter pickers

Once the liner is complete, the risk of collapse is averted, and the sewer life is extended by 50 to 80 years.

The current work forms part of a £90,000 project.

Salisbury Street and Church Street in Amesbury will be closed to through traffic from the King’s Arms pub to 6 Salisbury Street.

A spokesperson for Reeves the Baker on Salisbury Street said: "It hasn't affected our business yet but will do when it closes off by the roundabout which will make a difference, Most businesses in Amesbury are independents so it will affect them."

The work will be completed on Friday, November 2.

Motorists should be aware of diversions via the A345, Netton, Upper Woodford, Great Dunford, Normanton, and West Amesbury. 

Three-way traffic lights will be in place on Salisbury Road between 6pm and 7am each evening from Monday, November 6 to Friday, November 10.

More disruption is anticipated from Monday, November 13 to Friday, November 17 with night-time closures of Salisbury Street and Church Street from 6pm to 7am. This takes place from the King’s Arms pub to 6 Salisbury Street. 

A diversion will be in place during these times via the A345, Netton, Upper Woodford, Great Dunford, Normanton, and West Amesbury.