What an amazing few days in Salisbury. This is a festival that really gets underway on its final day. 

Yes, there were one or two events on Thursday and Friday but I thought they tended to detract from the main extravaganza, which was the weekend. I visited 8 sites on Thursday and Friday.

Largely non-events, listed as Limited Bites. Nothing much more than business as normal, I was disappointed.

A special mention has to go to Cote in St Thomas’s Square, they did brilliantly with their Cheese & Wine Party on Thursday and the soft lilting Jazz with Lunch on Sunday. The Artisan Wine Company, know how to have fun and celebrate with their, Run & Drum event, held in the Taste Marquee.  The Rude Giant opening on Brown Street appeared to have a lot of potential.

The hamburger I tried on Saturday and its accompanying chips nearly as good as those served at the Ox Row Inn. The bar, delightfully presided over by Oni, was serving amongst the usual pints, a third of a pint, for those wishing to taste, in one session the large varieties of Rude Beers available.

During my time wandering around the ever-expanding fun and activity of Taste Sailsbury, I met a number of people from the previous day, clearly delighting in what was on show.

One particular couple, Martin and Sandy, that I bumped into by chance on each day of Taste Salisbury, were unmistakable,  Martin a ‘Hatter’s Delight,’ sported a different hat every day. I did, however, manage to do the same.

My overall impression is that Taste Salisbury should focus on Saturday and Sunday. Create more stalls and activities in the Guildhall Square on Saturday, that day being the obvious Launch Day.

Well done to everyone, especially the weekend activists. You did a great job.