The emotional moment a Larkhill mum-of-two shared that her cancer had gone has been captured on camera and is at the heart of a new national advertising and fundraising drive from Cancer Research UK.  

Kerry Norgate is one of the stars of the charity’s ‘Together We Are Beating Cancer’ campaign and features in a TV advert broadcast across the UK throughout September.

Carrying the message, “We are beating cancer”, the advert shows the moment Kerry turns to her husband, Russell, to tell him that her breast cancer has gone.

Kerry, a trainer with the RAF, said: “When my consultant at Salisbury District Hospital showed me my before and after scans that showed the cancer had completely disappeared, the enormity of what I’d been through suddenly hit me. I turned to my husband and told him, ‘It’s gone’ and just burst into tears. The moment felt even more emotional when I realised the film crew were also crying.”

Showcasing the heartwarming moments being made possible for people affected by cancer, right now, the campaign aims to shine a light on the invaluable impact that cancer breakthroughs have on the lives of people like Kerry to inspire more support. 

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Reflecting on her experience, she said: “The progress that’s been made has enabled me to have a bespoke treatment plan that allowed me to continue with my normal day-to-day activities and live a semi-normal life whilst receiving life-saving treatment. Without my treatment, it might be a very different story for me.

“Not only has my cancer gone, but I have had the chance to do so many things I’ve wanted to do. I now really appreciate that life is for living and in the past year, I have been to Ireland, Portugal, Belgium and France. These were all things that were impossible to imagine when I heard those devastating words: ‘It’s cancer.’

“That’s why I’m starring in this vitally important fundraising campaign to help ensure that the life-saving progress in research can continue and more families like mine can make more moments that matter.”  

Donations to Cancer Research UK can be made online here.