ORDERS could be put in place to increase police powers in tackling criminal damage caused by catapults and anti-social behaviour linked to street drinking.

Wiltshire Council is considering the introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Salisbury and surrounding parishes including Laverstock & Ford, Quidhampton, Netherhampton, Wilton, Alderbury, Odstock and Coombe Bissett.

The aim of the order is to tackle antisocial behaviour affecting the community.

In Salisbury,  the proposed order is designed to address two issues in the city. The first relates to the use of catapults, slingshots and similar items capable of launching a projectile which could cause harm or damage.

Following a similar PSPO being introduced in the Downton and Redlynch area in 2022, similar incidents are now taking place around Salisbury.

The second part of the proposed order seeks to address ASB linked to street drinking in the city centre, granting police powers to prohibit the drinking of alcohol or having open containers of alcohol in public places.

This is in response to increased street drinking and related ASB witnessed by police and city council CCTV operators.

Licensed premises with outdoor seating would not be affected by the PSPO.

If the PSPO is brought in, anyone found in breach of it may be asked to surrender the catapult or alcohol to the police and if they do not comply, could be issued with an on-the-spot Fixed Penalty Notice of £100.

A consultation is underway until October 30 which invites residents and business owners to share feedback to help establish whether the proposed PSPO is the right and proportionate action to take.

Salisbury Journal: Councillor Richard Clewer wants people to feel safe in Wiltshire.Councillor Richard Clewer wants people to feel safe in Wiltshire. (Image: Wiltshire Council)

Councillor Richard Clewer, leader of Wiltshire Council, said: “Following feedback from Wiltshire Police, parish councils and local residents about anti-social behaviour in the city and surrounding parishes, we feel it is an appropriate time to consider the introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order.

“As per our Business Plan, we want Wiltshire to be a place where people are safe, and the proposed PSPO hopefully reassures the public, particularly those directly affected, that we take issues such as this very seriously.

“I want to encourage people and business owners to take part in the consultation so we can gather the community’s thoughts and feelings on the issue before making an informed decision.”

Inspector Tina Osborn, from the Salisbury community policing team, said: "We are always keen to work with local partners to address any community safety issues across the Salisbury area, and we'd be very interested to learn more about the views of local residents through this consultation work.

"Tackling anti-social behaviour is a key priority for us, and this PSPO could be one tool for us to use to crack down on these sort of issues."

To find out more about the proposed PSPO for Salisbury and what is included in the proposed order, visit wiltshire.gov.uk/article/5038/Salisbury-PSPOOrder.