EMPLOYEES at Salisbury District Hospital have not yet been paid this month. 

The Journal received anonymous messages from several employees who had not yet received their monthly salary, which was due today (August 30). 

After being contacted by this newspaper, the hospital confirmed that there had been problems with its payroll system and this resulted in staff not being paid.

The relevant team has been working on the issue since early this morning, (Wednesday, August 30).

Chief Executive, Stacey Hunter told the Journal: “I am incredibly sorry for the serious inconvenience that a problem within our payroll system has caused for staff. 

“Everyone is working flat out to get colleagues paid. All staff at the hospital work hard to deliver services to our community and quite rightly expect to be paid promptly each month.” 

A spokesperson for Salisbury District Hospital recently provided an update. 

He said: "I have just been told that the payment issues are now being resolved and staff will be getting paid in the next few hours."