Once again legal action is launched against the government's decision to approve the A303 Stonehenge 'improvements' (Stonehenge: Legal challenge against A303 plans comfirmed, August 25).

Read more: 'We have no choice': Stonehenge plans criticised as new legal challenge launched

This is in the face of the Planning Inspectors' finding that the proposed four lane cuttings would introduce "a greater physical change to the Stonehenge landscape than has occurred in its 6000 years as a place of widely acknowledged human significance".

Moreover, the change would be "permanent and irreversible". 

Stonehenge is set within a carefully designed prehistoric landscape where we can experience a 'landscape without parallel' (World Heritage citation).

Would we be happy to drive motorway cuttings through the landscaped park at Stourhead in order to 'save' the house from traffic? I thought not.

The scheme would drive cuttings through the landscape to take the traffic into the tunnel past the stones.

Why are the heritage bodies charged with preserving and looking after the heritage that belongs to us all supporting this destruction?

The great and the good on their managing committees say 'yes' but over 225,000 people (a third of them from abroad) have signed the petition against it; 1,700 people have already donated to the legal costs of the current action.

If the bulldozers move onto the Stonehenge World Heritage site it will be top news around the world and an international scandal.

Then there's the cost: £2.5billion. I bet John Glen would please more of his constituents if he spent that on transforming Salisbury Hospital rather than on eight miles of road that would lose Stonehenge's World Heritage status, with more single-lane stretches within less than ten miles.

Suzanne Keene

Castle Street, Salisbury