A driver's attempt to overtake a tractor nearly resulted in a head-on collision in Wiltshire.

While travelling through the countryside on Friday, Roads Policing Unit officers saw one impatient car cross onto the wrong side of the road as it tried to pass a slow-moving farm vehicle.

Dashcam footage shows the nerve-wracking moment when the overtaking driver returns to their own lane at the last possible moment by squeezing through a narrow gap between the tractor and oncoming traffic.

It barely misses another car travelling towards it at around 45 to 50 miles per hour.

The police car behind the vehicle that was almost hit then slows down to 35mph as the dangerous driver passes it on the right side of the road in front of the tractor.

A Wiltshire Specialist Operations spokesman said: "RPU nearly witnessed a head-on collision due to impatience trying to overtake a tractor.

"Thankfully no collisions or injuries, but if you are going to overtake then plan it!"