Wiltshire Council will be holding events throughout the county to get responses to its draft local plan.

The authority is updating its local plan - a legally required document which sets out how the county will develop. It will allocate sites for housing, employment land and also for leisure or conservation.

A spokesman for the council said: “The Local Plan sets out the vision and framework for housing, infrastructure and land for employment growth for the next 15 years. Once adopted, all planning applications will be determined against the plan, making it the most important place-shaping document for Wiltshire.

“Maintaining an up-to-date plan supports growth, ensuring there is enough land for homes, jobs and the infrastructure necessary to support them. Having an up-to-date plan helps protect against speculative and unplanned development that might undermine sustainable and resilient communities.”

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Having started the process in 2020, the council received 3,500 representations from 2,682 people and organisations on the first iteration of the plans, and using those it has now drawn up a draft plan.

The spokesman said: “The plan will now move to the final public pre-submission consultation, which will be the opportunity for all interested parties to have their say on the proposals.”

The consultation period runs from September 27 to November 22, and there will be 16 drop-in sessions held across the county between October 2 and 18.

A full list of these sessions, including dates, times and full location is available on the Wiltshire Council website. 

There will also be a live webinar event on Microsoft Teams between 6.30pm and 8pm on Tuesday, October 10.

While the drop-in sessions will concern the areas near the location for the specific event, the webinar session will cover the whole of the county.

Those intending to take part should register beforehand at the same web address as the list on in-person events.

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A spokesman for the council said: “If you cannot make your local in-person event, you are welcome to attend any of the others to discuss the plan and your own area – all events are open to all.”

All the documents to be considered in the review are available from the local plan section of the council’s website.