A PARISH councillor and leader of Salisbury City Council's Conservative group is stepping down. 

Councillor Eleanor Wills, who represents Harnham West, was only elected to the council in July last year, before becoming group leader in February this year. 

In a statement posted on social media, Cllr Wills has said she is moving to Swindon "for the start of my own next chapter". 

She added: "To avoid any differing stories, I am moving because I met someone. They won a key by-election in the town in July and, as a friend said to me, when you're 90 it's not the battles like this you'll remember but the full life you lived. And a happy life is victory enough". 

Cllr Wills goes on to say that she leaves "without regrets".


"I still think you pay too much council tax. I still think that there is work to be done to revitalise our city, and the current administration running Salisbury City Council is woefully out of touch", she said.

She also said she thinks city councillors find it "too easy to blame Wiltshire Council for everything without demonstrating sufficient leadership by putting genuine alternatives forward which offer our city its best possible future". 

She finished her statement by thanking the Conservative team in Salisbury, and praising MP John Glen who she says "works tirelessly for our city". 

More to come.