AN EV charging station that has been replaced at Brown Street Car Park two years after being broken should be available within two weeks despite complications encountered with the infrastructure on the site.

The charging station was originally installed in 2014 but became “broken beyond repair” in 2021 after seven years of service.

Salisbury mayor Atiqul Hoque posted a reaction to the installation of the new unit.

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Salisbury Journal: Councillor Atiqul Hoque stood next to the new electrical vehicle charging point in Brown Street car parkCouncillor Atiqul Hoque stood next to the new electrical vehicle charging point in Brown Street car park (Image: Atiqul Hoque)

Mr Hoque said: “I’d like to thank Wiltshire Council. After many years of lobbying/campaigning, they have listened to replace and install a new one. I’m hopeful we will see many more rolled out in years to come and fulfil our promises as we declared a climate emergency.”

The new charging station will not be ready for use until at least the middle of the month after wiring problems were discovered.

Councillor Caroline Thomas, cabinet member for transport, said: “Our contractor, Joju Solar, encountered complications within the feeder pillar for this rapid charging unit and it cannot go live until the complications with the wiring are fixed.

"We are hoping to have an engineer visit the site and fix the problem by the end of next week. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause in the meantime.”