A MAJOR investment to support long-term housing needs for families from Ukraine and Afghanistan has been agreed with £10m in reserves set aside to buy homes. 

This funding will be used as equity to buy up to £40m worth of housing to help with temporary accommodation and social care and a government grant of £4.012m was allocated to Wiltshire Council for the funding of 24 homes. 

This is through the Local Authority Housing Fund.

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Councillor Richard Clewer, Leader of Wiltshire Council said: “We are committed to this significant investment as a clear indication we are taking an innovative and serious approach to addressing housing issues in Wiltshire. We are using funding ringfenced for Ukrainians to support them whilst using our own funding to provide housing support for Wiltshire residents." 

The properties acquired would in the council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and the funds which are already approved will be used as leverage and the grant added to that budget.

He added: “Our Business Plan underlines our mission to have the right housing. These proposals will ensure across the breadth of council services that secure housing plays a key part in providing long term solutions to solving residents’ needs.”

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The remaining balance of the Homes for Ukraine funding will once the grant conditions have been met, acquire housing to deliver long-term solutions. The funding will be leveraged through the use of borrowing at a rate of 40 per cent grant funding and 60 per cent debt.

The council’s own company Stone Circle Housing will be used to acquire the homes and it is anticipated it will be more than a £50m investment to deliver up to 250 homes which will support long term needs and fulfil the commitment to house Ukrainian and Afghan families.