I was horrified to see that there is once again a proposal to build 220 houses between Milton Road and Britford, not to mention further developments spread around Salisbury.

Read more on the Local Plan

Wiltshire Council Cabinet approves local plan for more than 1k homes

Britford: Building houses on farming field would 'severely compromise' village's identity

Laverstock: Wiltshire Council Local Plan: Residents angry about plans to build on Church Road

Harnham: Harnham residents slam Wiltshire local development plans

What is the Council thinking?  

The traffic in and around Salisbury cannot cope as it is, it’s difficult to get a doctor’s appointment, the schools are full and yet the plan is to build build build.

Already there are two developments on the go on Netherhampton Road.

The Gyratory can’t cope at the moment with regular long and slow queues as traffic merges from Netherhampton, the A338 and the A354 so what does the future hold for us? Burning fossil fuels sitting in a queue as we try to get to work, school etc?? 

The Park and Ride has been cut back to only twice an hour so there is little alternative for many but to use a car.

We are supposed to be looking after our planet and yet Wiltshire Council comes up with a disastrous plan to spoil the approach to Salisbury, to take away our green spaces, to give nature nowhere to go, to develop without first developing a city that can cope.

We need the Council to put on its thinking cap and protect our city rather than developing it until it is destroyed.

Yours in exasperation

Alison Dawson