AN initiative providing vulnerable people with safe spaces and support has had a financial boost from a bus company.

The Safe Places scheme uses a network of shops, cafes and other venues to create a space to support people who feel at risk while out and about.

Run by Safer and Supportive Salisbury, the initiative offers immediate help since staff are trained to provide 'first line' support to those in distress.

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Bus company Salisbury Reds granted the scheme £450 in funding and a chance of promotion via screens onboard buses.

Safe Places lead Liz Batten said the support will "go a long way".

Salisbury Journal: Liz Batten thanked Salisbury Reds for its generosity.Liz Batten thanked Salisbury Reds for its generosity. (Image: Safe Places)

Venues taking part in the scheme display a sticker in their windows indicating that they are offering a safe place for anyone who feels they need it.

An app is also available which will direct users to the nearest open Safe Place and if none are located within a 15-minute walk, it will offer to call 101.

Andrew Sherrington, general manager of Salisbury Reds, added: “Our community fund is designed to give support - financial or otherwise - to local clubs, charities, schools and organisations who provide valuable services to those living in the area.

“Safe Places is an excellent example of this, and I’m delighted we have been able to help.”

For more information about Safe Places, visit