AN OUTRAGED visitor has expressed disgust after he used a public toilet.

Michael Murphy, from Broughton, said a complete renewal is "clearly long, long overdue" for the gents' toilets in Market Place.

He photographed the discoloured floor below the urinals and said: "It tells us that the city has learned nothing from the pandemic.

"How the council persuades anyone even to go to it to clean the place is a mystery."

The facility is maintained by Salisbury City Council, which claims each public toilet is cleaned daily.

A council spokesperson said: "We have been made aware of the fall in cleanliness levels this week and appropriate steps have been taken to address this."

Refurbishments of the Market Place toilets are due to take place over the next two years.

People are advised to contact the council if they have a cause for concern or wish to report a problem with the toilets.

This can be done by emailing