A POLICE officer took to the streets after receiving increased reports of anti-social behaviour and street drinking.

PC Catterick, from Salisbury response team 3, patrolled on foot through the city on Thursday morning (April 6).

This came after more people had reported incidents of anti-social behaviour and street drinking which had been taking place near Salisbury Library.

Wiltshire Police said combating this type of behaviour is a "force priority" to promote safer public spaces.

The police constable engaged with the public as well as local businesses.

According to the force, many people were pleased to see "a bobby on the beat".

PC Catterick said: "It is important that we continue to get the support of the public by reporting this kind of behaviour.

"It's unacceptable, and we will continue to work hard on the ground proactively alongside our neighbourhoods teams and other partners in order to make Salisbury a safer and more enjoyable place to be."