ROBERT Key's funeral is set to be held in Salisbury Cathedral. 

The service will take place on Monday, March 6, at 2pm. 

Family flowers only.

Donations to the Salisbury Cathedral Choral Foundation or the Trussell Trust.

Mr Key, who was MP from 1983 to 2010, died on Friday, February 3, at Salisbury District Hospital, surrounded by his closest friends and family. 

He died of heart failure and had been in intensive care for around six days before his death. 

Tributes poured into the Journal in the days after Mr Key's death. 

City councillor Paul Sample, who first met Mr Key in 1983 in the Houses of Parliament, said: "He has been taken from us too young. 

Former deputy news editor at the Journal, Roland Batten, remembers Robert Key as a 'thoroughly decent and dedicated MP' who 'always put Salisbury and its constituents first'.

You can read the tributes in full here